Precision Testing For Better Living
Browse our extensive list of diagnostic tests. Advanced screening to specialized tests ensuring accurate and timely results.
A-Z Lab Tests
24 HRS
- 17-Oh Progesterone
- 24 Hrs Urinary Calcium
- 24 Hrs Urinary Chloride
- 24 Hrs Urinary Creatinine
- 24 Hrs Urinary Magnesium
- 24 Hrs Urinary Phosphorus
- 24 Hrs Urinary Potassium
- 24 Hrs Urinary Protein
- 24 Hrs Urinary Urea
- 24 Hrs Urinary Uric Acid
- Absolute Neutrophilcount
- Absolute Basophil Count
- Absolute Esinophil Count
- Absolute Lymphocyte Count
- Absolute Monocyte Count
- Acth
- Adenovirus In Stool
- Afb Smear
- Afp
- Albumin
- Albumin Creatinine Ratio
- Albumin Globulin Ratio
- Aldesterone
- Alkp
- Alt (Gpt)
- Amh
- Amh
- Amylase
- Ana Screening
- Androstenedione
- Anti Ccp
- Anti Hcv
- Anti-Hbs
- Anti-Thyroglobulin
- Anti-Tpo
- Apolipoprotein A1
- Apolipoprotein B
- Apolipoprotein Ratio
- Aso Qualitative
- Aso Quantitative
- Ast (Got)
- Beta Hcg
- Beta-Hcg
- Bicarbonate
- Bioavailable Testosterone
- Bleeding Time
- Blood Grouping
- Blood Sugar Fasting
- Blood Sugar Pp
- Blood Sugar Random
- Bun
- Bun Creatinine Ratio
- Ca 125
- Ca 15-3
- Ca19-9
- Calcium
- Candidosis
- Cbc
- Cea
- Chlamydia Antigen
- Chloride
- Cho/Hdl Ratio
- Ck-Mb
- Clostridium A & B Toxin Qualitative
- Clotting Time
- Cmv Igg
- Cmv Igm
- Complement C3
- Complement C4
- Comprehensive Genital Culture (Cgc)
- Comprehensive Metabolic Profile
- Corrected Calcium
- Cortisol Am
- Cortisol Pm
- Cortisol Random
- Covid Pcr
- C-Peptide
- Creatine Kinase (Ck)
- Creatinine
- Creatinine Clearance
- Crp
- Csf Culture
- Culture – Conjunctival Swab
- Culture – Ear Swab
- Culture – Fluid
- Culture – Hvs
- Culture – Nasal
- Culture – Pus
- Culture – Semen
- Culture – Sputum
- Culture – Throat Swab
- Culture – Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma
- Culture – Urine
- Culture- Blood
- Culture- Csf
- Culture- Eye Swab
- Culture For Gc
- Culture- Lvs
- Culture- Skin
- Culture- Stool
- Dct
- D-Dimer
- Dengue Igg/Igm Qualitative
- Dengue Ns1
- Dhea-S
- Differential Count
- Direct Bilirubin
- Ebv Ea Igg
- Ebv Ea Igm
- Ebv Na Igg
- Ebv Na Igm
- Ebv Vca Igg
- Ebv Vca Igm
- Egfr
- Electrolytes (Na/K)
- Electrolytes (Na/K/Cl)
- Enzymatic Co2
- Esr
- Estradiol
- Ferritin
- Folate
- Food Allergy
- Food Intolerence
- Free Androgen Index
- Free Psa
- Free T3
- Free T4
- Free Testosterone
- Fsh
- Fungal Culture And Identification
- Ggt
- Gi Panel Pcr
- Globulin
- Glucose Challenge Test
- Glucose Tolorance Test
- Gram Smear
- Growth Hormone
- Hav Igm
- Hba1c
- Hbsag
- Hdl Cholestrol
- Hdl/Ldl Ratio
- Hemoglobin
- Hiv 1 & 2 Ab With P24 Ag
- Homa Ir
- Homocystine
- Hsv-1/2 Igg
- Hvs Wet Smear
- Ict
- Iga
- Ige
- Igf-I
- Igg
- Igm
- Indirect Bilirubin
- Influenza A & B
- Inhalation Allergy
- Insulin Fasting
- Insulin Pp
- Insulin Random
- Insulin Resistance Test
- Iron
K & L
- Koh Mount
- Lactate
- Ldh
- Ldl Cholestrol
- Lh
- Lipase
- Lipid Profile
- Liver Profile
M, N & O
- Magnesium
- Malaria Parasite Ag
- Malarial Parasite Screening In Pbf
- Microalbumin
- Mycoplasma Igg/Igm Qualitative
- Non Hdl Cholestrol
- Nt-Probnp
- Osmolality, Serum
- Osmolality, Urine
- Periferial Blood Smear
- Phosporus
- Platelets Count
- Potassium
- Procalcitonin
- Progesterone
- Prolactin
- Protein Creatinine Ratio
- Pth
- Ra Factor Qualitative
- Ra Factor Quantitative
- Rapid Strep A
- Reducing Substance (Random Urine)
- Reducing Substance In Stool
- Renal Profile
- Respiratory Panel Pcr
- Rota Virus In Stool
- Rpr
- Rsv Rapid Test
- Rubella Igg
- Rubella Igm
- Semen Analysis
- Shbg
- Sickling Test
- Sodium
- Std 1 Pcr
- Std 14 Pcr
- Std 28 Pcr
- Std 7 Pcr
- Stool Occult Blood
- Stool Routine
- Thyroglobulin
- Thyroid Profile
- Tibc
- Total Bilirubin
- Total Cholestrol
- Total Protein
- Total Psa
- Total T3
- Total T4
- Total Terstosterone
- Toxo Igg
- Toxo Igm
- Tpha
- Transferrin
- Triglyceride
- Troponin I
- Tsh
- Tsh Receptor Ab
- Unconjucated Estriol
- Urinary Calcium
- Urinary Chloride
- Urinary Creatinine
- Urinary Magnesium
- Urinary Phosphorus
- Urinary Potassium
- Urinary Protein
- Urinary Sodium
- Urinary Urea
- Urinary Uric Acid
- Urine Hcg
- Urine Rbc Morphology
- Urine Routine
V & W
- Vdrl
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin D
- Widal